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Umstellung auf Azure SQL Database mit Vertrauen

In the always-changing market of technologies, companies that can manage and analyze data, converting it into business insights while reducing implementation and maintenance costs are the ones who thrive. Keeping the focus on core competencies of the business is not always an easy task, but if attained, can lead to better chances of providing customers the best service possible, handling the constant scalability and speed demands. Besides that, performance and productivity are a concern due to the challenges with database maintenance and app development cycles.

There is an evident push to move databases to the cloud, but companies step back questioning if they know what to do and how to respond when issues arise in unpleasant times that might result in increasing downtime and cutting performance. Having all these in mind and staying compliant with ever-increasing and changing regulations (GDPR) may prove to be hard, especially when there is a high pressure from disruptive cloud-born businesses and innovative new companies. How can a company face all these challenges and overcome the cost barrier? Find out below!

An SQL Database and application migration to Azure is huge yet easily achievable when engaged with experience and expertise.

Based on several cloud migration projects and years of datacenter transformation we, at Unipartner, follow our tested migration approach and acceleration toolkits to mitigate transition risk and to achieve the business targets. We also plan and design the needed processes and governance model for a new managed service, based on cloud. And, with a change management plan, we also guarantee the engagement and knowledge that should be in place during transition to assure business continuity. 

Azure SQL Database is a high-performance, reliable, and secure cloud database that you can use to support data-driven applications and websites in the programming language of your choice, without the need to manage infrastructure.

Besides having the best and wider cloud database offer in the market, it is also way less costly than some of the main existing alternatives. For instance, AWS is 5 times more expensive than Azure for SQL Server. Source

The benefits of using Azure SQL Database vary from financial, managing, operational and security aspects, providing you tools that help you maximize your business and profit.

Business Value Highlights (IDC)

Nachfolgend finden Sie die wichtigsten Vorteile der Verwendung von SQL Azure Database:

  • Business productivity benefits: capture more revenue by reducing downtime, improving scalability, and speeding the time to market for applications and databases that drive business;

  • Scale database resources faster and more accurately to meet business demand;

  • Increase security and comply with regulatory requirements and best practices: surpass the risk of using end-of-life software versions and efforts to apply periodic systems patches/updates;

  • Advanced security: secure your database with Azure AD authentication, Virtual Networks, Firewalls, Always Encrypted connections. Identify threats and vulnerabilities with built-in security;

  • IT staff productivity gains: dedicate substantially less IT staff time to building, maintaining, and administering databases and datacenter infrastructure with databases in the Microsoft cloud;

  • Cut costs substantially for datacenter-related hardware, software, facilities, and hosting.

Find out more about this solution in a full detailed Infographic (pdf.) for deeper explanations and understandings of the benefits and features of it.

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